JavaScript Events | Cheat Sheet

Omkesh B. Kendre
4 min readJun 14, 2023


Mouse Events

onclick — When a user clicks on an element, an event is triggered.

oncontextmenu — When a user right-clicks on an element, a context menu appears.

ondblclick — When a user double-clicks on an element, it is called ondblclick.

onmousedown — When a user moves their mouse over an element, it is called onmousedown.

onmouseenter — The mouse pointer is moved to a certain element.

onmouseleave — The pointer leaves an element.

onmousemove — When the pointer is over an element, it moves.

onmouseover — When the cursor is moved onto an element or one of its descendants, the term onmouseover is used.

onmouseout — When the user moves the mouse cursor away from an element or one of its descendants, it is called onmouseout.

onmouseup — When a user releases a mouse button while hovering over an element, it is known as onmouseup.

Form Events

onblur — When an element loses focus, it is called onblur.

onchange — A form element’s content changes. (for the input>, select>, and textarea> elements)

onfocus — An aspect is brought into focus.

onfocusin — When an element is ready to become the centre of attention.

onfocusout — The element is about to lose focus.

oninput — When a user inputs something into an element, it’s called oninput.

oninvalid — If an element isn’t valid, it’s called oninvalid.

onreset — The state of a form is reset.

onsearch — A user enters text into a search field (for input=”search”>).

onselect — The user chooses some text (input> and textarea>).

onsubmit — A form is filled out and submitted.

Drag Events

ondrag — When an element is dragged, it is called ondrag.

ondragend — The element has been dragged to its final position.

ondragenter — When a dragged element enters a drop target, it is called ondragenter.

ondragleave — When a dragged element departs the drop target, it is called ondragleave.

ondragover — The dropped element is on top of the dragged element.

ondragstart — The user begins dragging an element.

ondrop — When a dragged element is dropped on a drop target, it is called ondrop.

Keyboard Events

onkeydown — When the user presses a key down

onkeypress — When the user begins to press a key.

onkeyup — A key is released by the user.

Frame Events

onabort — The loading of a media is aborted with onabort.

onerror — When loading an external file, an error occurs.

onpagehide — When a user leaves a webpage, it is called onpagehide.

onpageshow — When the user navigates to a webpage

onhashchange — The anchor component of a URL has been changed.

onload — When an object has loaded

onresize — The document view gets resized when onresize is called.

onscroll — The scrollbar of an element is being scrolled.

onbeforeunload — Before the document is due to be emptied, an event occurs.

onunload — When a page is emptied, this event occurs.

Animation Events

animationstart — The animation in CSS has begun.

animationend — When a CSS animation is finished, it is called animationend.

animationiteration — CSS animation is repeated using animationiteration.

Clipboard Events

oncut — The content of an element is cut by the user.

onpaste — When a user pastes material into an element, it is called onpaste.

oncopy — The content of an element is copied by the user

Media Events

onloadeddata — Media data has been loaded

onloadedmetadata — Metadata is loaded (such as size and duration).

onloadstart — The browser begins looking for the media that has been specified.

onabort — The loading of media has been halted.

onerror — When an error occurs while loading an external file, the event onerror is triggered.

onpause — Media is paused, either manually or automatically, by the user.

onplay — The video or audio has begun or is no longer paused.

onstalled — The browser is attempting to load the media, but it is not currently accessible.

oncanplay — The browser has the ability to begin playing media (e.g. a file has buffered enough)

oncanplaythrough — The browser is capable of playing media without pausing.

ondurationchange — The media’s duration changes.

onended — The media’s time has come to an end.

onsuspend — The browser is not loading media on purpose.

ontimeupdate — The situation has shifted (e.g. because of fast forward)

onvolumechange — The volume of the media has changed (including mute)

onwaiting — The media has taken a break, but it is anticipated to resume soon (for example, buffering)

onplaying — Media that has been paused or halted for buffering is now playing.

onprogress — The media is being downloaded by the browser.

onratechange — The media’s playback speed changes.

onseeking — The user begins to move/skip.

Miscellaneous Events

transitionend — When a CSS transition is complete, this event is triggered.

onmessage — The event source has received a message.

onpopstate — When the history of the window changes

onshow — A element is shown as a context menu when it is onshow.

onoffline — The browser switches to offline mode.

ononline — The browser enters the online mode.

ontouchcancel — The user’s ability to touch the screen has been halted.

ontouchstart — The touch-screen is activated by placing a finger on it.

onstorage — An part of Web Storage has been upgraded.

ontoggle — The user toggles the details> element open or closed.

onwheel — The mouse wheel moves up and down when it passes over an element.

ontouchend — A touch-screen user’s finger is withdrawn.

ontouchmove — When a finger is dragged over the screen, it is called ontouchmove.

